Five Minutes On The Rise Of The Talisman

The beauty of vintage is that it provides a unique connection to those who wore and loved the piece before you, you can think up a story about the person who owned it before you and think about how you can pass this down for generations to follow.

The reason I love vintage is that each piece tells a story or construction has an interesting meaning or it’s design is a real celebration of it’s era. This is why talismans, and meaningful pieces like them, have been around for centuries and are growing in popularity.

Talisman jewellery usually features a charm or amulet used to provide protection, good luck, or other symbolic elements.  The idea of wearing a talisman has been around for hundreds of years. There are a variety of options; For instance, coin jewelry is symbolic of providing abundance and security in one’s life. Meanwhile, a plant symbol on a talisman is representative of growth and expansion in the wearer’s life. There are also semi precious stones, celestial symbols zodiac and religious pieces.

Besides jewellery being fun and a great way to elevate an outfit, meaningful jewellery pieces serve as a physical reminder of who we are, what we’ve been through, and who we want to become.

Rather than looking for brand new accessories to conform to the trends of today, wearing vintage jewelry is a preloved fashion statement that provides meaning and significance to the wearer’s life.

Charleen French